Holy week is the final week of Lent, begins on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. Holy week commemorates the Passion of Christ, from his entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through to Jesus Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Palm Sunday, Jesus Enters Jerusalem to people cheering and placing palm leaves in front of him – Matthew21:1-11
Spy Wednesday, The day when Judas plans to betray Jesus to the guards – John13:21-32.
Holy Thursday, Jesus and the 12 apostles celebrate a meal together…The Last Supper – John13:1-5.
Good Friday, Crucifixion on the Cross – John18:1-42.
Holy Saturday, The day that Christ’s body was laid in the tomb – Matthew 28:1-10.
Easter Sunday, Resurrection of our Lord – John20:1-19.
Easter is a very special time in the religious calendar. Of all the religious events during the Christian year that Christians celebrate, Easter Sunday is undoubtedly the most important. On Easter Sunday Christians remember that after three days following Jesus crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead and in doing so, he fulfilled God’s promise that he would rise after three days. This is a reminded, that when we die, we too can be raised to a new life – a new life in the presence of God.